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HW Ayebare Presides Over All Bailiffs Meet
Group Photo: Court Bailiffs at the meeting

HW Ayebare Tumwebaze on Saturday November 26, 2022 represented the Chief Registrar at the Annual General Meeting of the Uganda Court Baillifs Association (UCBA) which was held at Mengo Chief Magistrates Court.

HW Ayebare explained to the Baillifs that effective June 2022, there were significant changes in the law governing Court Baillifs in Uganda introduced by the Judicature (Court Baillifs) Rules 2022.

He said the objective of the Rules was to streamline the management of Court Baillifs with the aim of promoting efficiency.

He listed the changes to include:

  1. The introduction of the Baillifs Licensing and Disciplinary Committee,
  2. Changes in licensing fees,
  3. Introduction of the right of appeal against licensing and Disciplinary decisions,
  4. Changes in licensing requirements and academic qualifications,
  5. Introduction of some new offences and penalties,
  6. Establishment of the Complaints management procedure, 
  7. The requirement that valuation report be served upon the debtor who may challenge it for cause,
  8. The scrapping of indefinite revocation of license upon suspension of Bailiff,
  9. The involvement of Local Council Authorities and Police under Rule 10(10)(b) and the Landlord and Tenant Act,
  10. The provisions on remuneration of bailiffs, permitted disbursements, procedure for recovery of Baillifs costs. Etc

He further warned the Baillifs to prepare for digital transformation processes including online auctioning that Judiciary is about to introduce under ECCMIS.

HW Timothy Lumunye, the Secretary to the Baillifs Licensing and Disciplinary Committee elaborated the licensing requirements for bailiffs as including the following:

  1. Duly filled application form.
  2. National ID
  3. Certified Academic certificates
  4. Inspection Report
  5. Recommendations from practicing Advocates 
  6. Certificate of good conduct from Interpol
  7. A bank statement of the firm account
  8. Recommendation from LC1 
  9. Payment of security/guarantee 
  10. Payment of Licensing fees 

The Baillifs complained that there was no adequate consultation before the law was passed.

They demanded that the requirement for a Diploma in law should be rescinded and the need to preserve the old Baillifs should be considered. 

They requested for refresher training by the Judiciary and demanded for equitable distribution of work to all Baillifs in rotation as the law provides. 

They also required Courts to issue warrants valid for a longer time since clearance procedure now takes months. 

Later, HW Festo Nsenga presided over the election of the new Executive of the Uganda Court Baillifs Association where Mr Kanyesigye Brian was re-elected as President. The other members are Mr Mwesigye Jackson (Vice President), Mr Baguma Robert (General Secretary), Mr Mataze Milton (Treasurer) and Ms Evas Nankunda (Public Relations Officer).

The President of UCBA, Mr Kanyesigye Brian, expressed his gratitude to the Judiciary for the great support they have enjoyed and looked forward to further cooperation.

Posted 26th, November 2022
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